Noir vintage fund

Welcome to Noir Vintage Fund 501(c)(3) NonProfit Organization, we believe that the world of wine should be a place of diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities. Our mission is to empower and support minorities in the wine industry by providing access to education, training, and resources.


The mission of Noir Vintage Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is to empower and uplift minorities in the dynamic realms of wine and technology. We are committed to fostering diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities within these interconnected industries, recognizing that innovation thrives in diverse, multidisciplinary environments. Through our initiatives, we aim to create a more equitable and representative landscape where individuals from all backgrounds can excel in wine production, technology development, and the exciting convergence of these fields. Our mission is to provide access to education, training, and resources that enable aspiring minority vintners and tech professionals to harness their talents, enhance their skills, and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of both industries. By championing diversity and technological innovation, we envision a future where the worlds of wine and technology collaborate to create new possibilities and celebrate the rich contributions of individuals from all walks of life.


The purpose of Noir Vintage Fund is to address existing disparities and barriers faced by minorities in the wine and technology industries. We seek to eliminate systemic obstacles and promote an inclusive environment where individuals of diverse ethnicities and backgrounds can thrive and innovate. Our organization offers educational programs, scholarships, mentorship opportunities, and technological resources to empower aspiring minority vintners and tech professionals. We recognize that the convergence of these industries is creating exciting opportunities, and we are dedicated to ensuring that all individuals have access to these pathways. Additionally, we strive to raise awareness about the critical importance of diversity and technological advancements in the wine and technology sectors. Through our collective efforts, we envision a future where these industries seamlessly blend tradition with innovation, driven by a diverse and inclusive community that reflects the rich tapestry of our society.

Our Founder

Noir Vintage Fund is a passion-driven organization founded by Frederick Hill, a visionary with a remarkable blend of expertise. With 27 years of experience in the IT field as a Solutions Architect, Frederick brings unparalleled problem-solving abilities and strategic thinking to the nonprofit realm. However, his journey doesn't stop there. As a Sommelier, Frederick's love for wine and the art of winemaking fuels his dedication to creating an inclusive and diverse wine industry. His achievements have earned him recognition as a "Who's Who in America," reflecting his commitment to making a lasting impact on the lives of aspiring minority vintners. Through Noir Vintage Fund, Frederick's unique expertise and boundless passion converge, aiming to empower and uplift the talents of individuals from all backgrounds in the world of wine.

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empowering diversity in the wine industry!"

Website launching soon

A 501(c)(3) NonProfit Organization